Serval Cat: Breed Profile, Characteristics & Care

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Servals are spotted wild cats with long legs that live in Africa, south of the Sahara Desert. They don’t make good pets because they need lots of space, warm weather, and live animals to hunt. Servals are much bigger than house cats—they can be 2 feet long and weigh up to 40 pounds. They also have very large ears that help them hear well.

Before getting a serval as a pet, check if it’s legal where you live, as many states don’t allow people to keep these big cats.

Learn more about the serval, including their care needs and temperament.

Breed Overview

Personality: Independent, aloof, intelligent, athletic

Weight: 20 to 40 pounds

Length: 2 feet

Coat Length: Short

Coat Colors:  Golden yellow to buff with black spots and stripes

Coat Patterns: Spotted

Eye Color: Amber

Lifespan: Around 20 years in captivity

Hypoallergenic: No

Origin: Africa

Serval Cat Characteristics

Serval cats are clever, wild hunters who can easily escape regular homes and yards. They’re built for life in Africa’s open grasslands.

Their long legs make them great at jumping and digging. These tall, active hunters need lots of space to move around – more than most homes can give them. Finding the right food for them is also very hard.

While not very noisy, they make sounds that might bother neighbors, like loud cries, growls, and hisses.

Servals aren’t usually friendly pets. They don’t like cuddles and prefer to keep to themselves. Since they’re big (up to 40 pounds), wild, and can suddenly attack, they shouldn’t live with children or other pets.

A serval might form a close bond with one person, making it very hard on the cat if it needs a new home. They can live up to 20 years as pets, so caring for one is a long-term responsibility.

Affection Level Medium
Friendliness Low
Kid-Friendly Low
Pet-Friendly Low
Exercise Needs High
Playfulness High
Energy Level High
Intelligence High
Tendency to Vocalize Medium
Amount of Shedding Low

History of the Serval Cat

Servals live alone in Africa, roaming across large areas that cover many miles. They can be found in 35 African countries and have lived there for hundreds of years.

People have kept servals as pets since ancient Egyptian times, as shown in their artwork. However, these cats have never become fully tame. Servals were brought to America more than 100 years ago, and today’s pet servals come from these early imports. Keep in mind that even pet servals are considered exotic animals, and there are laws about who can own them.

Breeders have crossed serval cats with domestic cats to produce hybrids, such as the Savannah cat.

Serval Cat Care

Keeping a serval as a pet requires a large outdoor space with special fencing. The fence must be high and deep because servals can jump over 9 feet high and dig under fences. The enclosure needs a roof and deep underground fencing to keep them safely contained.

Your serval will need a water area for drinking and swimming. They can’t survive in cold weather, so they need to live in warm climates.

Servals don’t make good indoor pets. They’re too big and active, and they like to jump around. This can be dangerous for both the cat and your belongings. They also can’t be fully trained to use a litter box and will spray urine on furniture and walls to mark their territory.

While some people remove servals’ claws to prevent scratching, this hurts the cats and can lead to health problems. It also leaves them defenseless against other animals.

Common Health Problems

Servals often swallow things they shouldn’t, which can get stuck in their throat or stomach and need surgery to remove. They also eat very quickly, which can cause food to get stuck in their throat. When this happens, they usually throw up and eat the food again. If they can’t throw up, they might choke.

If you get a serval, make sure you find a vet who treats exotic pets. Like house cats, servals need yearly shots and worm treatments. Regular vets may not want to treat servals because they’re wild animals.


Servals are wild cats that are bigger than house cats. They stand 2 feet tall and can weigh up to 40 pounds.

These thin cats have small heads and big, round ears. Like other wild cats, they have spots on the backs of their ears that look like eyes to scare away predators.

Their long necks and legs make them look like giraffes, which is why some people call them “giraffe cats.” They have shorter tails compared to most other cats.

Their golden coat with black spots helps them hide in the tall grass and bushes of Africa where they live. They have white bellies and amber-colored eyes.

While servals look like cheetahs, they are smaller and have shorter tails and bigger ears. People sometimes mix them up with other wild cats like leopards, ocelots, and jaguars.

Diet and Nutrition

Pet servals need to eat like they would in the wild, mainly hunting and eating live animals. In Africa, they eat mice, rabbits, birds, fish, bugs, lizards, and frogs. They need lots of protein, so fresh meat should be most of what they eat.

These cats rely on their eyes and ears more than their nose to find food. They can even hear animals moving underground and digging them up.

Servals often play with their food before eating it. Since they’re smart cats, they enjoy food-based games and puzzles that make eating more fun.

While cat food pellets can be part of their diet, they shouldn’t be the main food. Servals need real meat to stay healthy.

Where to Adopt or Buy a Serval Cat

Even if you have the money, space, and knowledge to care for a serval, you may not be allowed to keep one as a pet in the United States.

Many U.S. states ban keeping servals and other exotic pets, while others require special permits. Make sure to check your local laws before trying to buy a serval.

Laws can change, but as of this writing, the following are states where it is legal to own a serval cat without a permit:

  • Alabama
  • Michigan
  • Nevada
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin

If you can legally own a serval in your area and want to find a trustworthy place to get one, contact the Feline Conservation Foundation.

Serval Cat Overview

Servals are wild cats that can’t be treated like house pets. They are big, energetic cats that need to hunt and eat whole prey. They must live in a big outdoor cage and need special vets who know about wild animals. They can’t safely live with kids or other pets.

With all that in mind, few people should consider owning a serval.

Pros of Servals

  • Beautiful and exotic
  • Long lifespan
  • May bond well with one person

Cons of Servals

  • Unusual dietary needs
  • Not recommended with kids or pets
  • Requires a large outdoor enclosure
  • Wild animal
  • Illegal to own across most of the country
  • Requires an exotic veterinarian

More Cat Breeds and Further Research

If you’re interested in similar breeds, check out:

  • Bengal
  • Egyptian Mau
  • Toyger

Serval cat

  • What are some alternatives to owning a serval as a pet?

    Instead of serval cats, you might consider a Savannah cat, which is a mix between a serval and a house cat. While Savannah cats are better pets, they’re not allowed everywhere because they’re part wild. Your best choice might be getting a regular cat from a shelter.

  • How rare are serval cats?

    It’s hard to know how many serval cats or other big cats are in the US since they’re not legal in all states. People who own them illegally often keep them hidden. Only about 150 servals can be found in US zoos.

  • Are serval cats aggressive?

    While serval cats might be friendly with their owners, especially if they’ve formed a bond, they’re natural hunters and might attack smaller animals for food.

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