In general, cats are not the most loving animals in the world, which is one of the main reasons many people want to own one. Dogs are so excited and loving that it can be too much for some people. Cats, on the other hand, are much more independent and happy to do their own thing.
Of course, this is just an assumption; some cats are very loving. No matter what kind of cat you have, most cat owners will agree that having a warm cat cuddle in your lap is a great feeling that makes you feel close to your cat. Maybe you still want to know, “Why does my cat sit on me?” or “What does it mean when a cat sits on you?”
Now, let’s look at six common reasons why your cat sits on you all the time.
The 6 Reasons Cats Sit On You
1. Affection
The main reason your cat sits on you is probably just to show love. Cats are often thought of as cold and rude, but most cat owners will tell you that’s not always the case. Your cat will come to sit on your lap to give and receive care if they feel safe and trust you. Friendly cats, like Ragdolls, often do this, but even cats that aren’t friendly will do it sometimes.
2. Warmth
Another common reason cats sit on you is to stay warm. Your lap is the best place for them to do this. You may have noticed that your cat likes to hang out in the sun or near a radiator or stove. Cats look for these warm spots so their bodies don’t have to work as hard to keep their core temperature steady.
3. Safety
In addition to love, comfort, and warmth, your lap is a safe place for your cat. If your cat needs to take a nap every day, it will probably look for a quiet and sound place to sleep. Your cat sees you as their guardian, and it knows it’s safe with you because you’ll probably scare away any threats!
4. It’s Soothing
Your cat finds comfort in your body heat, your familiar scent, the sound of your words, and the steady beat of your heart. All of these things that are known to your cat make them feel safe and are a good way to put them to sleep.
5. Marking Their Territory
Cats are very territorial, and they mark their area with their scent to show who owns it. You may have seen your cat rubbing up against chairs, beds, and other objects to make them their own. They may do the same thing when they sit on you and rub against you.
6. Socializing
Different cats are more or less friendly, but some are almost as friendly and outgoing as dogs. Most of the time, when they jump up on your lap, it’s just because they like you and their owners, especially if they are the only cat in the house.
What Makes a Lap Cat?
There’s nothing cuter than a cat that wants to sit on your lap all the time. But some cats are much more likely to do this than others. There are many reasons for this, such as their breed, their past, and even the way they are naturally. Some breeds that aren’t known for being very friendly might turn into the lap cat you’ve always wanted, while breeds that are known for loving laps might want their room.
If you have other dogs in the house, some cats might not want to sit on your lap because they don’t feel safe there. Some cats would rather love you from afar. No breed of kitten can’t be taught to be a lap cat. It just takes time and effort. Not all kittens like to be held, but some do. As they get bigger, they stop wanting to do that. Adult cats like to sleep in their owners’ laps because it makes them feel safe, secure, comfortable, and warm.
Cats are interesting animals that sometimes show strange hobbies and act in strange ways. It might be hard to understand them, but it’s easy to give them a toy that meets their natural wants and interests. The Hepper Hi-Lo Cat Scratcher lets cats play and gives them a safe place to scratch.
Final Thoughts
You don’t need to worry if you’ve asked yourself, “Why does my cat sit on me?” They’re usually just happy to be with you and want your care, safety, and love. You should be proud that your cat always sits on your lap. You are now one of the few people that your cat loves!